Thursday, April 11, 2013

Goodwill Bed

It's been too long, I know.  A couple of months ago, Angela and I decided to hit up some garage sales...and found absolutely nothing worth getting out of the car for, so we headed to goodwill and rummaged through the furniture.  We found a gem. Solid pine sleigh bed, and it just so happened to be a full size--exactly what I needed for the little miss's room.

Can you believe I only paid $30?!?! Solid pine. From a distance it looks great, it was up close that you could see it needed some work.

I had to wait a while to tackle the project. I decided that a crisp white would be the best route for this piece. The dresser in the room is a turquoise and I didn't want to overwhelm the room with a second huge statement piece. Also, when I'm done with it, it'll be so much easier to sell a white bed. 

First step was to sand it down.

After wiping off the dust, it got a coat of paint/primer in one. Polar white.

Then it got coats two and three. Plus some polyurethane to make sure its durable enough to withstand a toddler...and she's not a dainty little thing, folks. 

I had lots of help from my wonderful neighbor. She helped me with painting, clear coat, and helped me haul it up the stairs!! YAY!

Voila!! Finite!

Total project cost: $55 (paint and bed)
Can't beat that!

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